This research project aims to answer these are questions:

Answers to the questions cited above would contribute greatly on generating means to resolve challenges that the city is currently facing, such as:

The research project will undergo three (3) phases, of which are the following:

1. PHASE I: Opportunity
• Economic opportunities have to be realized and maximized in order to complement mobility and safety initiatives.
• Build on the untapped potentials of Manila.
– Large and untapped informal sector market that can serve as a labor force for urban regeneration activities.
– Availability of land for brownfield and greyfield development.
– Strong potential to expand the hospitality and leisure industry.
– Heritage is still Manila’s asset.
• Strategic location for businesses (port area, proximity to Makati CBD).

2. PHASE II: Mobility
• Capitalize on making brownfields/greyfield safe and accessible to the people and the industries (Bring them back on the map).
• Reduce losses incurred due to traffic congestion especially for a coastal/ port city like Manila
– Mitigating the social costs of transport improvement.

3. PHASE III: Safety and Security
• In the 2017 Safe Cities Index, Manila ranked 55th out of 60 major cities in terms of security (digital, health, infrastructure, personal security).
— Urban regeneration should contribute to making safe spaces for both the people living in the city and those who are working in the city.
• Safety and security is integral to doing business.