The FEU Public Policy Center


Our Mission and Theme Areas

The FEU Public Policy Center’s mission is to make a substantive contribution to evidence-based policymaking through in-depth research and public discussion. FEU believes that enabling as many citizens as possible to engage in rigorous public debates on issues of significance to the larger population is an integral part of the education process.

Within the FEU community, it hopes to cultivate a culture of inquiry and research informed by actual experiences in policy formulation and implementation while providing opportunities for faculty and student researchers to work with expert practitioners in their chosen fields.

It seeks to strengthen ties between the higher education community and government by exposing students and faculty to policy issues and allowing them to contribute to policy discussions at the national and local levels. By doing this we envision broadening the areas of research for higher education professionals and students, while introducing innovative ways of looking at issues that have a potential public impact.

In the long run, FPPC would like to play a significant role in widening the range of credible sources of knowledge on pressing and relevant issues affecting the public. It hopes to develop a reputation as an innovator and thought leader in its four Theme areas:

Our Key Results Areas

To fulfil our mission, our work at the FEU Public Policy Center is guided by the following Key Results Areas:

Business Sustainability

Resource generation, creating and sustaining partnerships, developing organisational credibility through advocacy programs and events.

Research Capacity

Implementation of research projects and academic initiatives.

Building a Professional Organization

Institutionalising and implementing human resource, administrative and financial management processes.