FEU Public Policy Center


Closing the gender confidence gap

History will tell us that there was a time when women did not work outside the home at all. Evenread more

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Analysis by: Juan Miguel Luz – October 28, 2020 In the first three weeks of the new school year (2020-2021),read more

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[ANALYSIS] How ready are our basic education schools for the 2020 school opening?

‘There are a number of daunting challenges that need to be addressed and overcome for distance education to be efficientlyread more

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Acting local against COVID-19

With a government that is not exceptionally wise, just, and benevolent, one nationally mandated decision can cause damage to all

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The challenge of Cov-ED

The current pandemic has tested the resilience of almost all the country’s institutions — and found them wanting. Not leastread more

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The costs of school closures

If education authorities want a new education ‘normal’ where blended learning is a viable strategy, they must go beyond simplyread more

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Going back to school – and the challenges ahead

The impediment to a broader use of digital learning lies on the student side – and to address this requiresread more

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People’s health or economy? It’s a false choice

Protecting lives protects the economy. That said, the issue of saving the economy remains. Here are some recommendations.

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