Assistance to FEU’s Voter Registration and Education Initiatives

As one of the largest sectors today in our country, the youth, particularly their participation, will influence the 2022 elections.

TAMang Boto is an ongoing campaign that gives FEU students information ranging from registration opportunities during the pandemic and the importance of youth participation in the coming elections.

The project has three phases—the first phase is to implement voter registration during the academic year. The next phase is to inform and educate the voters about the candidates. The last phase, to be conducted after the 2022 elections, will focus on the continuity of voter education. In this way, they can instill in the students the social responsibility of voting and to raise awareness of succeeding elections.

Highlights of FPPC’s Assistance to TAMang Boto

FPPC through the Office of COMELEC Commissioner Rowena Guanzon requested assistance on voter registration efforts for the FEU community. Assistant Regional Director (ARED) for NCR Atty. Jovy Balanquit took the lead in shepherding the assistance to the Tamaraw community.

FPPC convened meetings with the different FEU units to encourage a Voter Registration Initiative.

Initially, the idea of satellite registration sites in the FEU campuses were explored but due to the re-imposition of the Enhanced Community Quarantine and the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, all registration activities were halted.

FPPC coordinated with COMELEC to facilitate the registration of the students in malls within the National Capital Region where satellite registration were conducted.