About Us

The FEU Public Policy Center hopes to cultivate a culture of research informed by actual experiences in policy formulation and implementation and provide opportunities for faculty and student researchers to work with expert practitioners in their chosen fields. 

It seeks to strengthen ties between education and governance by exposing students and faculty to policy issues and allowing them to contribute to relevant policy discussions.  By doing this we envision broadening the areas of research for higher education professionals and students, while introducing innovative ways of looking at issues that have a potential public impact.

The FPPC Team.  Our regular work is undertaken by a small team composed of an Executive Director, a Program Manager, a Scholar-in-Residence, IT Specialist, Research Coordinator and a Data Analyst.

FPPC Board.  Our strategic direction is determined by our Board of Directors, composed of leaders in the FEU community, academics, and practitioners.

Expert advisers.  Our research is guided by a pool of advisers who are experienced experts in the fields of Law and Business; Education, Productivity and Life Skills; Media, Technology and Society; and Urban Development.

These experts work with our Executive Team and fellows to produce high quality research, analysis and policy recommendations in the Policy Center’s areas of focus.  They also contribute to the Center’s work by sharing past and ongoing research and leading discussions on their areas of expertise.

Partner organisations.  In line with our goal of making a significant contribution to evidence-based decisionmaking, FPPC works with various stakeholders and organisations seeking solutions to public problems.  This helps to ensure that the work we undertake is relevant to the current policy environment.

Faculty engagement.  Faculty members from FEU are invited to do research with the Policy Center as fellows in coordination with the FEU University Research Center.

As our fellows, faculty members are able to do their research with FPPC’s team of expert advisers and partner organisations, as well as publicise their findings and recommendations through FPPC roundtables, fora, and media networks.

Student engagement.  Graduate level students recommended by their academic supervisors are also invited to do research with the Policy Center as part of their academic requirements.  Like their faculty counterparts, student fellows are able to access FPPC’s network of experts, organisations and media partners.

FPPC also provides students with internship opportunities at the Center.  Prospective interns are required to submit a research topic they wish to explore, and asked to submit a completed paper approved by their academic supervisor at the end of their internship.

In line with its vision of an engaged and well-informed public, FPPC also supports student-led advocacies aligned with its core themes. 

Project-based consultants or Research Fellows. FPPC also works with consultants on a per project basis to complement the work of our faculty and student fellows.